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<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Web Audio API - File Upload MP3</title> </head> <body> <!-- Container for the audio controls --> <div> <h1>Web Audio API - Upload and Play MP3</h1> <!-- File input for selecting an MP3 file --> <input type="file" id="audioFileInput" accept="audio/*"> <!-- Button to play the selected audio --> <button id="playAudio" disabled>Play Audio</button> <!-- Button to stop the audio --> <button id="stopAudio" disabled>Stop Audio</button> <!-- Range slider for volume control --> <label for="volumeControl">Volume: </label> <input type="range" id="volumeControl" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" value="1"> </div> <!-- JavaScript for handling the Web Audio API --> <script> // Create a variable to hold the AudioContext object const audioContext = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)(); // Variable to hold the audio source node let audioSource; // Variable to hold the audio buffer let audioBuffer; // Variable for the GainNode (volume control) let gainNode = audioContext.createGain(); // Load and decode the audio file selected by the user function loadAudio(file) { // Log the file type for debugging console.log('File selected:', file); console.log('File type:', file.type); // Check if the file type is audio/mpeg or audio/mp3 if (file.type === 'audio/mpeg' || file.type === 'audio/mp3') { // Create a file reader to read the uploaded file const reader = new FileReader(); // Event listener for when the file is read reader.onload = async function(event) { const audioData = event.target.result; // Get the file data as ArrayBuffer try { // Decode the audio data and store it in audioBuffer audioBuffer = await audioContext.decodeAudioData(audioData); console.log("Audio file successfully loaded."); // Enable the buttons once the audio is loaded document.getElementById('playAudio').disabled = false; document.getElementById('stopAudio').disabled = false; } catch (error) { console.error('Error decoding audio data:', error); } }; // Read the uploaded file as an ArrayBuffer reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); } else { // Show error message if the file is not a valid MP3 console.error('Please select a valid MP3 file.'); alert('Please select a valid MP3 file.'); } } // Function to play the audio function playAudio() { if (audioBuffer) { // Create a new AudioBufferSourceNode each time to allow replay audioSource = audioContext.createBufferSource(); audioSource.buffer = audioBuffer; // Assign the decoded audio data // Connect the source node to the gain node (for volume control) audioSource.connect(gainNode); // Connect the gain node to the audio context's destination (speakers) gainNode.connect(audioContext.destination); // Start playing the audio audioSource.start(); console.log("Audio started playing."); } else { console.error('Audio buffer not loaded yet.'); } } // Function to stop the audio function stopAudio() { if (audioSource) { // Stop the audio source audioSource.stop(); console.log("Audio stopped."); } } // Function to adjust the volume based on the range slider function adjustVolume() { // Get the value from the volume control slider const volume = document.getElementById('volumeControl').value; // Set the gain node's gain value to the slider's value (volume control) gainNode.gain.value = volume; } // Event listener for file input document.getElementById('audioFileInput').addEventListener('change', function(event) { // Load the selected file const file = event.target.files[0]; // Call loadAudio function loadAudio(file); }); // Add event listeners to buttons document.getElementById('playAudio').addEventListener('click', () => { // Resume the AudioContext if it is suspended if (audioContext.state === 'suspended') { audioContext.resume().then(() => { playAudio(); // Play the audio }); } else { playAudio(); // Play the audio } }); document.getElementById('stopAudio').addEventListener('click', stopAudio); // Event listener for the volume control slider document.getElementById('volumeControl').addEventListener('input', adjustVolume); </script> </body> </html>
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